Tourist Stuff cont.
Via Rail Canada: (514) 871-1331, 1-800-361-5390 (Que.)
Amtrak (New York): 1-800-872-7245
What do those signs say?
"Arrêt" does not mean "Turn yourself in at the nearest Police Box." Although the word "stop" is routinely used in Quebec French as the word to halt, those hexagonal red signs no longer contain it. But don't worrynobody stops anyway! They might as well be in Lithuanian.
Arrêt - Stop
Autoroute - Expressway
Centre-ville - Downtown
Est - East
Droite - Right
Gauche - Left
Ouest - West
Pont - Bridge
Sens unique - One way
Stationnement interdit - No parking
Virage - Turn
Vitesse - Speed
Important: No right turns are permitted on red. (And a darn good thing, too.)