Montreal Restos Online
A lot of the restaurants that have web sites in Montreal unfortunately have their sites buried on some resto compilation page. A web site can be an amazing marketing tool, so it's strange that more resto owners have not taken better advantage of this resource.
Please note that some of these sites are only in French (fr). Also, the Web is a constantly-changing animal, so my apologies if the resto listed below has moved its web site, although I'll try to keep on top of these links.
1957 Café Terrasse (fr)
À l'Aventure (fr)
Alouette Steak House
Angus Beef Restaurant
Armoricain, L' (fr) Gimmicky
Asie Moderne
Au Cépage
Au Petit Extra (fr)
Bar Deco - RestoBistroVoted best pizza by Gazette
Bazou , Le
Bistro 2000
Buffet Marina
Chez Noeser
Continental, Le
Da Vinci Very nice site, if you like black
Domino's Pizza Montreal
Ferreira Café TrattoriaNoisy site
Festin du gouverneur, LeClick, click, click
Focaccia di Carpaccio
Fripon, Le
Frite alors!
Gaudriole, LaPop goes the pop-up
Globe Restaurant
Il Campari Centro
Indiana's American Diner and Bar
Jardin Nelson, Le (fr)
Koji's Kazen/Treehouse
Lanni Restaurant
LaSalle Drive In restaurant
Léo Pizzéria sur internet